Tillbaka till Grey's Anatomy (se avsnittet här)
"... as Jeff says my feelings doesn't always fit the situation. If my food is over cooked in a restaurant, I get enraged; I want to kill the waiter. But I don't. I politely ask him to take the meal back and bring it the way I asked for it. I spend my days making myself smaller, more acceptable - that's OK. Because at night, on stage, I get to experience the world the way I feel it. Indescriable rage, unbarable sadness, huge passion. At night on stage, I get to kill the waiter and dance on his crage. And if I can't do that, if all I have left is a life of making myself smaller - then I don't want to live."
Christina Yang står inför ett val - hon måste välja.
Cardiogodess eller kärlek. - Meredith försöker hantera situationen genom att jämföra med om någon har en ful bäbis - båda parter vet, men det är inget man säger uttalat. Yang kan inte förklara för Owen att hon till och med väljer bort honom för att Teddy ska stanna (cardiogudinnan ska få hennes kärlek) - det är något man bara inte säger.
Surgery or love? Surgery or love?
Izzy kommer tillbaka och säger ett, kanske, sanningens ord: "Surgery is just a job. It's not the thing you come home to, it's the thing you come home from." Eller hur är det egentligen? Vad spelar vilken roll? I stundens hetta. I would rather die than not get to experience the world the way I feel it?
Personerna bakom Grey's kommentar på avsnittet (för övrigt en av min systers favoritbloggar)
"In surgery, the healing process begins with a cut, an incision, the tearing of flesh."
Owen kysser Yang och säger - "You think that surgery is gonna make you feel, you think a successfull career is gonna make you happy, you think you know things and nothing else matters, no one else matters; people do matter, I matter - we matter. You don't get to toss me aside, I won't let you."
- "We have to damage the healthy flesh to expose the unhealthy. It feels cruel and against common sense."
Och Meredith, av alla människor, säger till Izzy: "You don't just walk away from people, you don't just throw people away - Please don't go, this is your home
Men det är inte så.
"(against common sense) but it works - you risk exposure for the sake of healing. and when it's over - when the incision is made. you wait. you wait and you hope that your patient will heal, that you havn't just made your patient worse."
1 kommentar:
good dammit nu skulle jag inte ha läst din blogg. blev ju supersugen på att se avsnittet Nu NU NUUU.
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