söndag 11 oktober 2009

girls are more beautiful/a good kisser is a good kisser

Det är söndag och eftersom jag har inga olästa inlägg i min bloggfeed funderar jag på i vilken riktning jag ska utvidga mig. Censurerade bloggar? Typ svampbloggar? Jag har till och med gått så långt att jag, efter att ha noggrant studerat SvD och DN, bläddrat igenom både aftonbladet och expressen.
Så slår det mig hur länge sedan det var jag följde Hanna Fridén, det var ett tag som jag behövde en paus - men jag saknar hennes frispråkighet!! Jag älskar henne!

Igår kväll ägnade mig lite åt damage-controll. Inte för att jag vet om det kommer hjälpa


I hope that I, ill-mannered as I am :) havn't manage to offend you in any way.

I have only friendly and good intentions. I can admit that, asking Mikaela to give you my number, in retrospect it seems a bit peculiar.

In my defence I can only claim, that it had been a long day and I realised first after leaving, that I had wished to ask you myself.

However if you find it a good idea, I would very much like to hang out sometime!


Is this how things are done? By the way, I liked Opeth, I hadn't got the sligthest clue about their existance before.

Wasn't it us discussing discovering new music and genres? Good music is anyway good music...

I lördags morse hade jag och Ari en fin konversation om livets väsentligheter.

-...kissing is a form of communication
-I love you, yes, yes, yes
-some guys don't have the slightes clue what they are doing, bad, bad, bad
-they do actually, but they are just thinking about themselves
-maybe, probably
-and that's actually part of being a male...
-it doesn't matter, they'll have to fight it
-can I quote you on the "I love you"? ;)
-feel free to, use and abuse it

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