onsdag 10 februari 2010

thuesday is fine

I'm trying to open my hopeless suitcase which has decided to change its three-number code
- I have reached 500. In worst case senario: 499 more to go.

It's been a nice evening of doing nothing at all,
Well, gather for a gathering in the hall,
talking loud,
spinning around on the floor,
exploring your fysical limits by doing weird gymnastic excersises,
insulting each other:
you sound like a parrot - your legs are short - leave - talking Swedish to none Swedish speakers

Such a nice way to end a long day.
We even had a long discussion about parrots;
such an (if not only anoying also a bit) amazing animal

I won't tell you what(/but I had beetroot, carrots, millionaire cake and coffe) for dinner.

And I was almost going to give R a bass lesson tomorrow morning.
We're already getting going with the Swedish:
jag orkar inte öva - jag ska gå till mitt rum och läsa min bok
She's got some potential (for learning Swedish, she's allready a bass player, 4th year ^^).
But she cancelled, I'm sure she's cheating on me with the bathtube again.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

hahaha 499 kvar! Vad hemskt, hoppas du hittar den!

Jag väntar mig dig i Oxford nu i helgen, BARA SÅ ATT DU VET. Hoppas att du gillade min lilla konversation med Couperin - jag tyckte det var döroligt när jag skrev den, mindre roligt dagen efter kanske.

Pausfogel sa...

Det var roligt!
Men, inte för att klaga va, men lite lång kanske ^^
haha (mer som så jag sa tidigare, "nu räcker det")
Det är en dygd som många andra.